Anti-corruption activist Anna Hazare on Friday accused the Central government of “betrayal” on the Lokpal Bill and threatened to launch a fresh agitation on the issue at the Ramlila Maidan in New Delhi later this year.
“After the Parliament passed a resolution in favour of a strong Lokpal Bill, the Prime Minister had given us a written assurance that our grievances would be heard and a strong and effective Lokpal would be formed. Two years have passed since,” he said.
The veteran Gandhian activist was talking to reporters in Allahabad, where he halted for a brief while on his way to Rewa in Madhya Pradesh. He kicked off the fifth phase of his nationwide Jantantra Yatra from MP.
“This is an act of betrayal on part of the government which is refusing to fulfil the promises it made to the nation. We shall not take it lying down. I have decided to launch a fresh stir in Delhi’s Ramlila Maidan. The dates are yet to be finalized but probably it would be around October-November,” he said.
Mr. Hazare urged workers of India Against Corruption to help those candidates win in elections who had a clean character, even if it meant supporting independents, an IAC worker said.